Valentín Hector Schulz Gonzalez
“Experiences make us grow in many different ways throughout our lives. A considerable part of these experiences has to do with the interaction with others, from family members and friends to co-workers, neighbors and so on. These events often lead to learning opportunities which one decides to take or not. Knowing, talking and listening to people from diverse places, countries and continents brings an important chance to learn.
This interaction and its combinations made my stay very interesting. The different language and history made it even more amusing. The academic and social experience brought knowledge and skills that are being shared now back in my country. The classes had attractive and useful contents. Helped by the ESN organization we got to know the local culture and its people, events, places of interest, sport events, natural attractions, etc. facilitating our stay. Getting to know other students and their experiences, achievements, goals, approaches, background etc. made it very special, fruitful and warm. This intercultural experience is one to live and share. With the right process it has a lot to give to our baggage such a wider vision, a better comprehension of the world situations and conditions, new ways to see and perceive things and even ways to rethink or shape our identity. I can say it is loaded with perspectives and proposals. It was even more special the opportunity one has to interact with students in elementary, secondary and high school. I took my chance and participated in some English classes with different grades. After breaking the ice and using the little Slovak I knew, nice environment was created in the lessons and I felt included as I taught and learnt at the same time.
A recommendation for whoever that wants to apply is a positive attitude and disposition to know, learn, listen. One knows that there might be some uncomfortable conditions but I these are exactly the situations when one grows the most, by proving ourselves and succeeding in challenges.”
Kevin Armando Siliezar Madrid
“Have you ever wondered how does it feel to be ERAMUS in Slovakia? Let me tell you, it’s such an amazing adventure, that I will remember for my whole life, and as you probably heard, nobody is the same person after Erasmus, believe it or not, it is true, so let's get started!
I’m from the tiniest country in continental America, El Salvador. I was studying in the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The weather in Nitra is most of the time cloudy with some cold raining and snow (especially in winter). What can I tell you about this gorgeous country? Slovakia has beautiful nature, the food is quite good and in general the people are nice with the foreign people and for the people that likes parties, Nitra is your city, you can find a lot of place to go to out.
The University is very well equipped and the professors are good, too, I enrolled in one course called Molecular Biology with the prof. RNDr. Zdenka Gálová and let me tell you – that was fantastic, I really enjoyed the classes! The University offers subjects in English and Slovak, so do not worry if you do not know Slovak. The dormitory where I was living is called Polnohospodar dormitory, it has everything that a normal student needs.
I think the most important part of everything is the multiculturality that being a Erasmus student in Nitra can show you, it's such an amazing opportunity to know people around the world and I'm proud to say that I have friends from Kazakhstan, France, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and of course Slovakia. Being Erasmus in Nitra gave me the opportunity to know that no matter your culture, religion, or your political ideas, each of us is a human being and most of us want to have fun and friends, go out, visit new countries and learn something new and this is what truly matters.
In my Erasmus I got a Slogan, “get ready, better things are coming” since today I'm happy because I chose Nitra to go for Erasmus, my best wishes.”
Yalena Sumaya Jerez Tous
"As a former exchange student in SUA, I can totally say that this experience was very enriching, not only for being surrounded for a lot of new things, but also for the quality of the experience itself. Along with all the good teachers I had, the amazing staff of the Faculty of Economics and Management and my classmates, who made me feel welcome and supported every time. Being part of SUA was something that made me a better student and will definitely add to my future. Thank you for giving me the chance of being your student and for the incredible time I had in Nitra."
Luis Alberto Palacios Hoyos
“Erasmus Mundus experience in Slovakia was absolutely great for the countless knowledge in agricultural university in Nitra in all aspects recognize as an institution and learning and using new languages such as Slovak, Polish, German etc., Erasmus students are like a big family, away from your country of origin but with a common project in which friendships are so strong that give you the motivation for attaining success in any country in Europe, I think that was the most special my stay, and with respect to the recommendations, I recommend you sign up to the calls and do not give up so are not been selected, it is an opportunity that does change your thinking and grow humanly.”
Carlos Sanchez Gomez
“Hello to everybody! The experience I had at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was amazing, first of all, when you are in Slovakia, you face a new language – the Slovak language, it is interesting, because at the end you get to communicate with the locals. Another great experience you have in Nitra is that you live with people from different countries, this allows you to learn a little of the culture of people who are sharing your stay in that place. Undoubtedly, one of the great changes that you face it has to be with food, for example, in Mexico we eat spicy and a lot of tortillas, in Slovakia almost you cannot find those products. Another thing which fascinated me so much were the events “Nation to Nation” organized by Erasmus coordinators in Nitra, where I could enjoy and learn about the different dishes you can find in other countries. With respect to the Academy, the education system in Slovakia is different than what you can find in Mexico, I think students in Nitra have more time to complete all academic activities required. Slovakia is a central country in Europe, this allows foreign students to travel and visit countries that are in the surrounding areas. With respect to the people of Slovakia, they are friendly people, when I told them I was from Mexico, Slovak people were always surprised. Finally, having done a research stay at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra was incredible, because it allowed me to know about the people, their culture, traditions, music, foods, their cities, their language, etc., this experience gave me another perspective on life, I am very grateful to the authorities of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra for giving me the opportunity to live that great experience.”