Summer School 2014 in Switzerland
20.06.2014 | Ľubica ŠemelákováSwiss Finance is now accepting applications for its[&]msgid=495388[&]act=AL9J[&]c=676463[&]
hp Summer 2014 Training Program in Verbier, Switzerland. We offer rigorous training programs to college students, graduate students and recent graduates who are interested in careers in investment banking, consulting, hedge funds, private equity, entrepreneurship and other related fields. Our intensive program curricula thoroughly cover the fundamentals of finance and business. Our faculty, composed of seasoned finance professionals, business school professors and successful entrepreneurs, provide students with a "real world" perspective through their use of case studies, simulations and applied training sessions.
Training Program:
As you may be aware, our training is globally reputed to give our students a tremendous competitive advantage, as well as skills necessary to excel on Wall Street. Besides classroom instruction on topics such as M[&]A, private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds, our investment bankers and hedge fund executives train our students so that they can interview effectively for some of the most sought after positions in investment banking, negotiate, and position themselves strongly for long term career success. Students also obtain a real world perspective on what it is actually like to work on Wall Street and in the "City" of London, as they go through proprietary exercises and simulations. Our faculty is composed of executives, graduates and professors of Citigroup, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School, and JP Morgan.
The specific dates for our 3-week Summer 2014 International Wall Street
Training Program are as follows: August 4 - August 22, 2014
Students can apply[&]msgid=495388[&]act=AL9J[&]c=
cess.php here. Please note that while admission is competitive and our programs are fast paced, no previous finance or business background is required. Liberal Arts, Science and Engineering students who possess strong academic credentials are highly encouraged to apply. Further information along with our online application, is available at[&]msgid=495388[&]act=AL9J[&]c=
If we can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at [lt][gt]
Admissions@SwissFinanceAcademy.Org or call us toll free at the number below. We appreciate your help.