Letná škola v Grécku
10.02.2017 | Ľubica ŠemelákováWe have the pleasure to announce the ASECU Youth Conference and Summer School of 2017.
This year it will take place in Greece and the host universities, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and University of Macedonia propose a different idea. A Youth Camp in front of the marvelous sea of Chalkidiki!
Attached you will find the necessary information and we would appreciate you to inform your students and professors accordingly.
WE remain at your disposal for any information
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Grigoris Zarotiadis, Aristotle Univesity
Melina Petromelidou, Head of ASECU.SEEJE office
ABSTRACT form 2017 final.docx
CALL for Paper 2017.pdf
PROFESSOR Application form 2017.docx
STUDENT Application form 2017.docx