Transnational Project Workshop 2 in Nitra, Slovakia - DigiWELL Erasmus+ project

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On August 30-31, 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra hosted the project partners of the Erasmus+ project "Strategic partnership Building Digital Resilience by Making Digital Wellbeing and Security Accessible to All” (DigiWELL) (Nr. 2018-1-TR-01-KA - 204 -058739).

The aim of the Transnational Project Workshop 2 was, based on the secondary research of Digital Well-Being and Digital Security concepts, to define the Modules of training and teaching materials, which will be created by the team partners within the Work Package 3. During the meeting the member of the FEM SAU team in Nitra Ing. Eva Oláhova, PhD. presented the content structure and her experience from teaching the subject “Information Security”, which significantly contribute to the achievement of the project's goals.

The project meeting was attended by partners from the Czech Technical University in Prague, MSKU in Turkey and partners of non-governmental and non-profit organizations from Greece, Macedonia, Germany, and Spain. FEM SAU in Nitra was represented by members of the research team from ÚŠOVM, UUI and CIT.

Author: Ing. Martina Hanová, PhD.
Coordinator of the DigiWELL project

Additional information about the project is available on the website:

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