The Kick-off Meeting within the New Erasmus+ Project DigiMarkt with Ghana
26.02.2025 | Tomáš Poláčik
The first project meeting within the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training project (ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CB-VET) "Towards Digital Marketing in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Ghana" (DigiMarkt), No. 101182663, was held in Leipzig, Germany, on 7-8 February 2025.
The kick-off meeting was organized in a hybrid form – with participants in person as well as online via Zoom. The SUA is the lead of the Work Package 3 and our faculty was represented by the local coordinator Dr. Jana Gálová, with project members Dr. Anna Mravcová and Assoc. Prof. Jakub Berčík. The meeting focused on the main activities to be carried out in the framework of 5 Work Packages, as well as discussion about the interconnection of these WPs in relation to the objectives of the project.
DigiMarkt (project no. 101182663, is a 2-year project solved between 01/01/2025 – 31/12/2026. It aims to empower training providers and learners to enhance their digital readiness for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). By defining future skills needed for TVET graduates in the digital era and aligning such skills to the unique local Ghanaian Context will help achieve the project aim. The project will involve participants in co-creating DigiMarkt, as well as improving the skills of teachers/trainers and mentors on innovative tools, online pedagogies and teaching techniques, cutting–edge technologies and trends in DigiMarkt.
The project coordinator is the Steinbeis Beratungszentren GmbH (Germany). Project partners include the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED, Ghana), Cape-Coast Technical University (CCTU, Ghana), Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU, Ghana), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and Int@E (Germany).
Author: Ing. Jana Gálová, PhD.