Steering Committee Meeting within the AgroTec Erasmus+ Project at the FEM SUA in Nitra
03.12.2024 | Tomáš Poláčik
On 28-29 November 2024, the steering committee meeting within the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the Field of Vocational Education and Training projec...
On 28-29 November 2024, the steering committee meeting within the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the Field of Vocational Education and Training project "AgroTechnology VET Centres to Network and Train Future Farmers in Jordan and Palestine" (AgroTec), no. 101092160, was held at the SUA in Nitra.
The participants were greeted by representatives of the Facult of Economics and Management involved in the project. After the welcome by Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horská, the dean of the FEM SUA in Nitra, the local project coordinator Ing. Jana Gálová, PhD. and project member PhDr. Anna Mravcová, PhD. made an introduction into the meeting. The partners then focused on the project progress. The main coordinator from the AgriWatch company and the project partner from NUCT presented the overall state of tasks within particular work packages, personal changes within the project period, as well as future plans. Next, representatives from all Jordanian and Palestinian universities presented their fulfilled tasks and progress about course development and implementation within the WP3. Afterwads, responsible partners presented the Impact [&] Dissemination within the WP5. At the end of this agenda, a fruitful discussion continued. Within the agenda of the second day, partners were discussing Networking and Project Requirements within WP2 and Quality Assurance and Monitoring within WP4. In the end, the coordinator led the discussion about WP1 – Management and Coordination and presented the progress and update. The project meeting ended after fruitful discussion about the plans for the year 2025 and agreement on events and meetings that need to be organized before the end of the project.
AgroTec (no. 101092160, aims to establish a network of 5 agro-technological centres in 5 Universities in Jordan and Palestine and develop practical and innovative VET courses. The curricula will be developed, and the students will be acquainted with the new developments requiring new skills, not addressed in traditional curricula. The AgroTec centres will promote cooperation between companies and VET institutions as well as create links between all stakeholders of the Agri-Food value chain. These centres will also assist in promoting smart tools for enriching data through IoT sensor networks for soil-crop monitoring, processing, marketing and quality control.
The consortium is composed of 6 Universities and 2 business partners. The coordinating unit is AgriWatch BV (The Netherlands). Project partners include The University of Jordan (Jordan), National University College of Technology (Jordan), Mutah University (Jordan), Palestine Polytechnic University (Palestine), Palestine Technical University Kadoorie (Palestine), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and Int@E UG (Germany).
Author: PhDr. Anna Mravcová, PhD.