NEUROSMARTOLOGY project about aromachology and innovations, which have not yet been examined at the FEM SUA in Nitra
by Ľubica Šemeláková (comments: 0)
Another successful Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership project of our FEM has moved in its activities and on May 24-25, 2019 a Transnational Project Meeting (M1) was organized at our university. Leading project coordinator Dr. Jakub Berčík is a first person in Slovakia to came up with the idea of exploring the aromachology from a scientific point of view and to understand the trend of “aroma marketing” and its importance for practice. He presented project partners the main goal and outputs that will be solved in the next three years. NEUROSMARTOLOGY (2018-1-SK01-KA203-046324) as an abbreviation of this international project, combines the knowledge and opportunities of involved partners from the Catholic University of Ružomberok, the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Poznan University of Economics Poznaň, University of Miguel Hernández Orihuela and University of Southern Denmark Odense. The commercial benefits of the project are involved partners from two companies - Aroma marketing, Ltd. (one of the largest sellers of fragrances for stores) and the German REIMA AirConcept (the largest seller, manufacturer and distributor of odors in Europe). As the title of the project “Implementation of Consumer Neuroscience and Smart Research Solutions in Aromachology” sounds, it moves the possibilities of the FEM project team to other domestic and foreign activities not only in theory, but mainly in practice, because the project aims is to implement / place a smell in the real space and to control an air quality, which is directly related to the impact of aroma marketing on customers, workers, guests, etc. The project is directly linked to the Laboratory of Consumer Studies at the FEM SUA in Nitra, where selected fragrances will be tested in a specially developed and produced “aroma box” in combination with a neuroimaging method, thus achieving a better selection of the odor and its subsequent use in practice. From our faculty these colleagues are involved in: Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horska, Dr. Paluchová, Dr. Gálová, Dr. Neomániová, PhDr. Anna Mravcová, Renáta Benda Prokeinová and expert of Indoor Air Quality, Vietoris from partner FBFS SUA in Nitra.
Dr. Johana Paluchová