Intellectual Outputs of the Erasmus+ project SUSTA completed
14.09.2023 | Tomáš PoláčikBetween 12-13 September 2023, the final meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project No. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081980 "Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education in the Field of Economics and Management" (SUSTA) took place in Poznan (Poland), where the partners discussed and evaluated all project phases as well as the fulfilment of the defined objectives through intellectual outputs (IO).
Between 12-13 September 2023, the final meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships project No. 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081980 "Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education in the Field of Economics and Management" (SUSTA) took place in Poznan (Poland), where the partners discussed and evaluated all project phases as well as the fulfilment of the defined objectives through intellectual outputs (IO).
The project coordinator is the Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB, Poland) and partners are 5 European universities: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA, Slovakia), Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (UMH, Spain), Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (CZU, Czech Republic), University of Zagreb (UNIZG, Croatia) and University of Szeged (SZTE, Hungary).
The project aimed to create an involving concept of teaching sustainability for students of business related studies which will result in raising the awareness and involvement in the problems of sustainability. The project has five main outputs:
(1) The aim of IO1 was to provide a research-based background for the development of syllabuses and teaching materials on sustainability. It focused on two aspects: 1.1. The analysis of students’ awareness on sustainability issues and also their needs and expectations of learning sustainability; 1.2 Desk research on existing courses on sustainability in higher education in partner's countries. IO1 is available at:
(2) Based on the results of IO1, the syllabus of teaching course on sustainability has been designed. Work on IO2 was divided into 2 tasks: 2.1 Dictionary of skills and competences of sustainability; 2.2 Extended syllabus of teaching course on sustainability. IO2 is available at:
(3) Within IO3, the learning materials on sustainability for students in the form of e-book has been prepared. Its aim is to fulfil students’ needs of getting all the required knowledge and information in one source. The e-book ‘SUSTAINABILITY. E-BOOK FOR STUDENTS’ (10.12657/978-83-7986-488-1) has been created by an international team of 21 authors and is available at:
(4) The collection of case studies on sustainability has been prepared as IO4. It describes real world examples of managing companies in sustainable manner, examples of problems and challenges which face companies, employees and society regarding a problem of environmental, social and economic cohesion. The collection ‘SUSTAINABILITY. CASE STUDIES E-BOOK’ (10.22598/susta) is available at:
(5) Videos of the course on sustainability content have been prepared as IO5, recorded during summer course on sustainability (learning activity for students), of lectures delivered by co-authors of the e-book (IO3). The videos are available at:
All outputs are available on the project website.