FEM part of the #ErasmusDays initiative within the VISIONAIR project
28.10.2024 | Tomáš Poláčik
Our university has joined the #ErasmusDays initiative again this year through the workshops "We Know What We Breathe: Our Mission Against Air Pollution".
Our university has joined the #ErasmusDays initiative again this year through the workshops "We Know What We Breathe: Our Mission Against Air Pollution", where the activities planned and created within the Erasmus+ Cooperative Partnerships Project "Increasing the Visibility and Knowledge Base on Air Quality With Big Data and Its Impact on the Population Health" (VISIONAIR), no. 2023-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000158470, were presented to students and staff.
The workshops were held on 14 October 2024 at the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. During the main part of the programme the project coordinator assoc. prof. Jakub Berčík and project members Dr. Anna Mravcová and Ing. Adriana Rusková presented the project, its main objectives, partners, planned activities, outputs and benefits. The seminars also included participating in a knowledge questionnaire to find out the awareness of the main issues of the project, questions and discussion, where the most active participants received small gifts from SAAIC (Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation). The positive feedback from the participants confirmed the success of the event.
The VISIONAIR project aims to engage students in summarizing available and new knowledge on air quality (big data), identifying environmental, economic and social consequences and health risks of air pollution based on the collected data, and developing proposals and concepts to improve air quality and to create a model for simplified data presentation and interpretation.
The main coordinator of the project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA, Slovakia) and the consortium further consists of: Catholic University in Ružomberok (CU, Slovakia), Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (UMH, Spain), University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT, Czech Republic) and University of Zagreb (UNIZG, Croatia). The consortium intends to raise awareness of the main issues of the project.
The #ErasmusDays are an international six-day celebration of the Erasmus+ programme. During these days, people throughout the world are invited to come together and either organise or participate at events that celebrate the projects and opportunities proposed by Erasmus+. For students, teachers, trainers, professionals and more generally, all citizens, the #ErasmusDays represent a unique moment to promote the multitude of benefits that result from the programme. In 2024, the 8th edition of the #ErasmusDays takes place between 14-19 October.
More information at: https://www.erasmusdays.eu/