Members of AS
Workers FEM:
- Ľubomír Gurčík, prof., Ing., CSc., Institute of Economics and Management - chairman
- Jakub Berčík, Ing., PhD., Institute of Marketing, Trade and Social Studies - vice-chairman
- Daniela Hupková, PhD., doc., Ing., Institute of Economics and Management - secretary
- Martina Hanová, Ing. PhD., Institute of Statistics, Operation Research and Mathematics
- Radomíra Hornyák Gregáňová, Mgr. PhD., Institute of Statistics, Operation Research and Mathematics
- Dana Országhová, doc., RNDr., CSc., Institute of Statistics, Operation Research and Mathematics
- Artan Qineti, doc. Ing., PhD., Institute of Economic policy and Finance
- Mária Šajbidorová, doc., Ing., PhD., Institute of Economics and Management
- Marian Tóth, doc. Ing., PhD., Institute of Economic policy and Finance
- Darina Tóthová, RNDr. PhD., Dean´s Office of the FEM, Centre of Information and Technologies
Students FEM: